The Being Vertex-Apparel Journey

In 27-07-2011 it was decided that our vision, to be the Pakistani company known for innovation and design that’s loved by the world, needed to be further supported by a belief in why this is important and an understanding of how we get there.

Thus, began the Being Vertex-Apparel project; a collaborative journey by our staff to challenge, explore and create the very essence of what this company stands for.

The desire in people was consistent in all locations; to be known and loved by the world, they wanted Vertex-Apparel to have a strong sense of why it exists and what it believes in.

They wanted to be part of one Vertex-Apparel, in addition to the roles played in our consumer facing businesses, and they wanted a powerful collective culture, not silos.

After several months and more than hundred of participants, this work led to the creation of one belief that clearly articulated, based on understanding the emotive drivers of the world we exist in, what this company could BE. This was the foundation for Being Vertex-Apparel.

This work was compiled and summarized into a clear brand story that was unveiled to the senior leadership team in 27-07-2011.
Here, a singular belief was clarified and a powerful purpose, derived from that belief, was presented. This work in turn coupled with a desire to create a Breakthrough Performance culture, which is defined by affinity, interdependence, risk, ownership and purpose, redefined what the company valued most.

To further strengthen this, the company brand received a new tone and style to its look and feel, creating an appropriate look that supported the strength and identity of our iconic Pakistani company.